Bearkun’s diary


Pokemon UNITE Absol(ポケモンユナイト アブソル)

  1. I exchange unite-license for coin to join the rankmatch.
  2. I exchange unite-license for coins to be able to join the ranked match.


  • exchange A for B:AをBと交換する
  • 「参加するために」→「参加できるようになるために」


  1. I can use Absol by it.
  2. I can use Absol with it.


  • with:とともに


  1. However, I heard from my friend that Absol has a high power, but it is difficult  to master because it is easy to be defeated.
  2. However, I heard from my friend that Absol has high power, but it is difficult  to master because he has low health, making him easy to knockout.


  • 形式目的語にhimをとったSVOCの文型で、himの真の目的語としてto knockout


  1. I think that it takes time to be able to master Absol.But I would like to master it.
  2. I think that it takes time to master Absol,but I would like to master him.


  • 「つかうことができるようになる」はくどいので「マスターするために」
  • ポケモンは人と近しい存在なので、It→him


  1. I'll watch the Absol's video in youtube  and study.
  2. I'll watch videos of Absol on youtube  and study it.


Pokemon UNITE a level 10 trainer(ポケモンユナイト トレーナーレベル10)

  1. I became a level 10 trainer.
  2. So, my pokemon can have three items.



  1. I allow my Talonflame to have Buddy-barrier and Score-shield, Foucus-band.



  1. I still don't know what to have my Talonflame.
  2. I still don't know what to get for my Talonflame.



  1. So, I would like to ask my friend to teach me.


would like to~:~したいと思う

ask 人 to~:人に~することを頼む






  1. I want to get my Talonflame the Buddy-barrier and Sore-shield, Foucus-band.


  • get 人 物:人に物を与える


  1. But I am unsure if I should do it.


  • unsureは形容詞で次に名詞節のifがきているのは変な気がしますか、unsureのあとにofが省略されているためだと思われます。

参考文献:「I’m not sure if (主語 + 動詞)」の意味とその使い方【不確かなことに】 | RYO英会話ジム


  1. So, I would like to ask my friend for help.


  • ask 人 for~:人に~を求める


  1. I don't join the rankmatch because I don't have five unite-licenses. 
  2. I can join the rankmatch because I don't have five unite-licenses. 


Kaguya-Sama:Love Is War(かぐや様は告らせたい)

  1. Kaguya-Sama:Love Is War is anime.


  1. It is desperate  for how men and women who like each other tell the other.
  2. It is desperate for men and women who like each other extract a confession from others.


  • desperate:やけくその、死にものぐるい(形容詞)
  • desperate for:(~が)ほしくてたまらなくて
  • extract a confession from:(~に)無理に告白させる
  1. Mr.Miyuki and Ms.Kaguya have mutual love.


  1. Mr.Miyuki's younger sister is Ms.Kei.


  • Mr.:男性 Mstr.:男の子 Mrs.:既婚女性 Ms.:未婚女性 Miss:女の子

参考文献:Mrs.? Ms.? 英語の敬称にもう悩まない!男女別・職業別の敬称と使い方をおさらい | English Lab(イングリッシュラボ)┃レアジョブ英会話が発信する英語サイト


  1. I like Miss.Kei because she is cute.



  1. It's interesting.


  1. My parents laughed to see it.
  2. My parents laughed when they watched it.


to see itは不定詞の副詞適用法で、動詞にかかっている場合:~するために、形容詞・副詞にかかっている場合:~するほどという意味になり、「みるほど笑った」ということになる



  1. If you haven't looked at it yet, please look at it.
  2. If you haven't watched "Kaaguya-Sama:Love Is War" yet, watch it!


  • take a look at:ちらっとみる
  • look at:意識的にみる

参考文献:「look at」と「take a look at」の意味の違いと使い分け - WURK[ワーク]


Pokemon UNITE a level 9 trainer (ポケモンユナイト トレーナーレベル9)

  1. Pokemon unite can give Pokemon belongings and get rewards by increasing trainer level.
  2. In Pokemon Unite, you can give Pokemon belongings and get rewards by increasing your trainer level.



  1. I became a trainer level of 9.
  2. I became a level 9 trainer.


  • of:~の、~が
  • レベルが9である=私ではないので、レベル9のトレーナー=私となるようにする


  1. As a result, My Pokemon became able to have two  belongings.
  2. As a result, my Pokemon can have two  belongings.


  • as a result:結果として
  • become able to ~:~できようになる
  • belonging, property:持ち物
  • belongingは小さい持ち物、propertyは財産とか

参考文献:belongings(所有物)とpossession(所有物)のニュアンスの違い -こんにち- 英語 | 教えて!goo


  1. Probably, If trainer level is ten, my pokemon become able to have three belongings.
  2. Probably, If I get to level ten, my pokemon will be able to have three belongings.


  • most likely 90% probably 80% likely 50% maybe 30~40% possibly 10%
  • get to はその段階に達したという意味をもつ
  • reachは頑張った結果、その段階に達したという意味

参考文献:「多分」「おそらく」を表す英語はmaybe以外に何がある?可能性を表す英語の使い分け | English Lab(イングリッシュラボ)┃レアジョブ英会話が発信する英語サイト

参考文献:arrive at, get to, reach - 英単語の正しい使い分けを勉強してすっきり英会話!


  1. I use Talonflame that have Aerial ace and Brave bird.
  2. I use Talonflame who has Aerial ace and Brave bird.


  • whoは動物のような人と近しいものにも使える
  • thatは最上級などで限定しているときにつかうことが多い


参考文献:関係代名詞の使い方 動物にもwhoは使える?! | Fruitful Englishのおいしいブログ~英語の学び


  1. I enjoy it because there are a time when my pokemon defeats many enemies.
  2. I enjoy it because there are times when my pokemon defeats many enemies.


  1. I enjoy it because there are a time when my pokemon defeats many enemies.
  2. I enjoy it because when my pokemon defeats many enemies sometimes.


  • whenは関係副詞
  • sometime:時々



  • 持ち物としてitemという言い方のほうがよかったのかも
  • holdはhaveよりも強い所有、能動的な所有

参考文献:have・hold・carry「持つ」の意味を持つ3つの単語の違いとは? - ネイティブキャンプ英会話ブログ



Pokemon UNITE(ポケモンユナイト)

  1. I started Pokemon unite the day before yesterday.Because My friends play it.
  2. I started Pokemon unite the day before yesterday because My friends play it.


  • Becauseで文を区切るのは変な文法らしい


  1. I use Telonflame.
  2. I use Talonflame.



  1. I usually lose.Because I'm not used to use it.
  2. I usually lose because I'm not used to use it.


  • be used to:〜に慣れる
  • used to 〜:昔はよく〜していた
  • Becauseで文を区切るのは変な文法らしい


  1. But I'm enjoy to play the game with various people.
  2. But I'm happy to play the game with various people.


  • enjoyは動詞、happyは形容詞


  1. If I play the Pokemon unite and speak in English well, I want to play it with many foreigners.
  2. Once I'm good at playing the Pokemon unite and speaking in English, I want to play it with many foreigners.


  1. If I play the Pokemon unite and speak in English well, I want to play it with many foreigners.
  1. Once I'm good at playing the Pokemon unite and speaking in English, I want to play it with many foreigners.


  • once:いったん〜すれば
  • 動詞and動詞だと、「〜して〜する」となる
  • 固有名詞にtheはつけない

Natto bread(納豆パン)

  1. I eat natto with rice many times.
  2. Most of the time I eat natto with rice.


  1. So, I haven't been eaten natto on bread.
  2. So, I haven't eaten natto with bread.


  • many times:何度も
  • most of the time:ほとんどの場合
  • been+過去分詞では受け身になってしまう
  • onだとパンの上の納豆を食べたことがない



  1. When I eat natto, I want to eat it with rice.



  1. So, when I ate Natto bread, I wanted to eat natto with rice.
  2. So, when I ate natto bread, I realized that natto with rice is better than natto with brerad.



  1. It is delicious.




  • 日本語の文にあわせた英文にすると、おかしい部分が多いので表現を変えるべきだった





  1. I have known Tsubugumi since colleage and I have eaten it.



  1. Poifull is similar to it.
  2. I prefer it to Poifull.
  3. Because I feel like that I ate whole a fruit.


  • similar to:~に似ている
  • prefer A to B:BよりAのほうが好き


  1. It is released lactic acid bacteria yogurt flavor for a limitted time.
  2. And I have tried it to eat.



  1. But I prefer soda flavor to lactic acid bacteria yogurt flavor.



  1. Eating it can make you full.



  1. If it is sold at the store, please buy it.

