Bearkun’s diary


Pokemon UNITE(ポケモンユナイト)

  1. I started Pokemon unite the day before yesterday.Because My friends play it.
  2. I started Pokemon unite the day before yesterday because My friends play it.


  • Becauseで文を区切るのは変な文法らしい


  1. I use Telonflame.
  2. I use Talonflame.



  1. I usually lose.Because I'm not used to use it.
  2. I usually lose because I'm not used to use it.


  • be used to:〜に慣れる
  • used to 〜:昔はよく〜していた
  • Becauseで文を区切るのは変な文法らしい


  1. But I'm enjoy to play the game with various people.
  2. But I'm happy to play the game with various people.


  • enjoyは動詞、happyは形容詞


  1. If I play the Pokemon unite and speak in English well, I want to play it with many foreigners.
  2. Once I'm good at playing the Pokemon unite and speaking in English, I want to play it with many foreigners.


  1. If I play the Pokemon unite and speak in English well, I want to play it with many foreigners.
  1. Once I'm good at playing the Pokemon unite and speaking in English, I want to play it with many foreigners.


  • once:いったん〜すれば
  • 動詞and動詞だと、「〜して〜する」となる
  • 固有名詞にtheはつけない