Bearkun’s diary



  1. The SPY×FAMILY is a manga serialized in weekly Shonen Jump.



  1. I saw anime and knew it.
  2. I found out about it through the anime.


  • 「アニメをみて、それを知った」より、「アニメを通してそれを知った」といういい方がよい


  1. The main character is a spy, his wife is a hitman, his daughter is a phychic.
  2. The main character is a spy, his wife is an assassin, and his daughter is a psychic.



アサシンassassinの意味とは?キラーやヒットマンとの違いもわかりやすく解説 | Do-You-意味?


  1. His daughter has a phichic power that know what people are thinking, and her name is Anya.
  2. His daughter has psychic powers that lets her read minds, and her name is Anya.


  1. She is cute.



  1. I finished watching untill the seventh episode.
  2. I've watched up to the seventh episode.


  1. I  enjoy next episode.
  2. I'll enjoy the next episode.


  • up to ~は時間だけでなく、いろんなものに対して「〜まで」という意味をもつ
  • unitillは時間で「〜まで」

【Kei式-日本技術の英会話】vol.576 「〜まで」は英語で「up to」(until と by の違いも): 【Kei式】カドを立てない英会話術辞典


Project SEKAI(プロジェクトセカイ)

  1. I started the Project SEKAI because I want to play the game with my friends.
  2. I started playing Project SEKAI because I want to play with my friends.


  • 冠詞は主に抽象的なものにつくが、今回の場合はどうなのか、わかりませんでした。


  1. It is rythm game, it has a lot of vocaloid songs.



  1. I played it with my friends yesterday.



I enjoyed to know various songs.





  1. I played league match of Yu-Gi-Oh! with my 3 friends last week.



  1. If you take two ahead, you win.


  • ahead:先に(副詞)


  1. I had 2 wins 1 loss, 3 people were tied together.



  1. My used deck is Shaddoll deck.


  1. I used to use it.



  1. I have only 1 deck but my friends have many decks.



  1. So I want to have many decks.


  1. I'm  trying  to make Draitron deck.



  1. Also I study to watch  playing Draitron deck on youtube because it is difficult.


Coffe curry and Kahlua Milk (コーヒーカレーとカルアミルク)

  1. I went to restaurant which serves coffee curry with my friend.
  2. I went to a restaurant which serves coffee curry with my friend.


  • 単数形や境界線がはっきりしないもの、指定されているものに冠詞をつける

【わかりやすい】a/theの冠詞が付く時と付かない時の違いを理解! – 英語は俺が倒す


  1. Coffee curry which is richer than regular curry was delicious.
  2. The coffee curry, which is richer than regular curry, was delicious.



  1. I haven't drunken Kahlua Milk yet. I tried drinking Kahlua Milk. 
  2. I hadn't drunk Kahlua Milk yet, but I tried it for the first time.


  • try to不定詞はなにか難しい、try ~ingはやってみるという意味合い

参考文献:【3分で分かる!】try doingとtry to doの違いとは...? | Fruitful Englishのおいしいブログ~英語の学び


  1. It was very easy to drink and delicious.



  1. After this I drunk ice coffee.
  2. After, I drank ice coffee.



  1. Coffee with freshly ground beans was delicious.
  2. The coffee with freshly ground beans was delicious.


  • grind:豆を挽く

参考文献:「コーヒー豆挽いて」は英語で? サードウェーブコーヒー最新情報と英語レシピ | English Lab(イングリッシュラボ)┃レアジョブ英会話が発信する英語サイト


  1. I have drukun coffee with mayple syrup for the first time.
  2. I also drank coffee with maple syrup for the first time.


  1. It was delicious.







  1. I bought sushi the other day and I ate sushi.



  1. I have eaten sushi only at kaiten-sushi restaurant.



  1. Salmon-sushi that I ate was delicious because it has plenty of fat.


  • a lot ofは客観的に、plenty ofは主観的というニュアンスの違いがある

参考文献:a lot of, plenty of - 英単語の正しい使い分けを勉強してすっきり英会話!


  1. I ate food at food supply after a long time.


  1. I had been at home because I had been sick. 



  1. I have gotten well but I have a few coughing sometimes.



Pokemon UNITE the ranked match for the first time(ポケモンユナイト はじめてのランクマッチ)

  1. The Talonflame has strong biattack that Brave bird, Aerial ace, normal attack, Aerial ace.



  1. I studied to watch the Talonflame on youtube.



  1. After this, I participated the ranked match for the first time.


  • joinは所属するのみ、participateは所属してから行動する意味が含まれる

参考文献:join, participate, take part in, attend - 英単語の正しい使い分けを勉強してすっきり英会話!


  1. I was able to win reasonably and I became Veteran rank.


Poor pasta(貧乏人のパスタ)

  1. Mr.Ryuji is a cooking expert.


  1. He introduced Poor pasta on youtube.


  1. I cooked it at the other day.
  2. I cooked it  the other day.


  • the other day:この間、先日(副詞)


  1. It was a dish that required few ingredients.
  2. This dish required only a few ingrdients.


  • few:少なくてやばい
  • a few:少しはあるから問題なし

参考文献:【完全版】「Little / A little / Few / A few」の使い分け | QQE英語コラム | オンライン英会話ならQQ English


  1. The dishes that Mr.Ryuji introduces on youtube are easy to understand.
  2. This recipe that Mr.Ryuji introduced on youtube is easy to understand.


  1. I will cook the dishes that He will introduce on youtube because it is delicious and easy to cook.  
  2. I will cook whatever he will introduce on youtube because it will be delicious and easy to be made.  


  • whatever:何でも anythingに置き換えることができる

