Bearkun’s diary



  1. The SPY×FAMILY is a manga serialized in weekly Shonen Jump.



  1. I saw anime and knew it.
  2. I found out about it through the anime.


  • 「アニメをみて、それを知った」より、「アニメを通してそれを知った」といういい方がよい


  1. The main character is a spy, his wife is a hitman, his daughter is a phychic.
  2. The main character is a spy, his wife is an assassin, and his daughter is a psychic.



アサシンassassinの意味とは?キラーやヒットマンとの違いもわかりやすく解説 | Do-You-意味?


  1. His daughter has a phichic power that know what people are thinking, and her name is Anya.
  2. His daughter has psychic powers that lets her read minds, and her name is Anya.


  1. She is cute.



  1. I finished watching untill the seventh episode.
  2. I've watched up to the seventh episode.


  1. I  enjoy next episode.
  2. I'll enjoy the next episode.


  • up to ~は時間だけでなく、いろんなものに対して「〜まで」という意味をもつ
  • unitillは時間で「〜まで」

【Kei式-日本技術の英会話】vol.576 「〜まで」は英語で「up to」(until と by の違いも): 【Kei式】カドを立てない英会話術辞典