Bearkun’s diary


Coffe curry and Kahlua Milk (コーヒーカレーとカルアミルク)

  1. I went to restaurant which serves coffee curry with my friend.
  2. I went to a restaurant which serves coffee curry with my friend.


  • 単数形や境界線がはっきりしないもの、指定されているものに冠詞をつける

【わかりやすい】a/theの冠詞が付く時と付かない時の違いを理解! – 英語は俺が倒す


  1. Coffee curry which is richer than regular curry was delicious.
  2. The coffee curry, which is richer than regular curry, was delicious.



  1. I haven't drunken Kahlua Milk yet. I tried drinking Kahlua Milk. 
  2. I hadn't drunk Kahlua Milk yet, but I tried it for the first time.


  • try to不定詞はなにか難しい、try ~ingはやってみるという意味合い

参考文献:【3分で分かる!】try doingとtry to doの違いとは...? | Fruitful Englishのおいしいブログ~英語の学び


  1. It was very easy to drink and delicious.



  1. After this I drunk ice coffee.
  2. After, I drank ice coffee.



  1. Coffee with freshly ground beans was delicious.
  2. The coffee with freshly ground beans was delicious.


  • grind:豆を挽く

参考文献:「コーヒー豆挽いて」は英語で? サードウェーブコーヒー最新情報と英語レシピ | English Lab(イングリッシュラボ)┃レアジョブ英会話が発信する英語サイト


  1. I have drukun coffee with mayple syrup for the first time.
  2. I also drank coffee with maple syrup for the first time.


  1. It was delicious.
